Students - Unitech Student
Let’s choose right toys for our children!

Let’s choose right toys for our children!

Over the past 10 years, toys made of wood have become much more popular. The reason for this is the naturalness and environmental friendliness of the materials. Natural origin of various products makes the majority of parents to reject a part of the plastic and metal structures. Each child has a wide variety of toys that can be distributed by type, material of manufacture and recommended age. However, the most interesting toys are considered to be made of wood. How to choose wooden toy animal sets ? Wooden toys have incredible energy, they are durable…
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Newberg students Login

Newberg students Login

Annual state assessments will be underway in all Newberg schools this month. This year, students will apply and use what they have learned using the new Smarter Balanced assessments, which replace the OAKS assessments. The new test measures how well students have learned more rigorous state standards and how they are progressing toward college and career readiness. Who is taking the test? Students in grades 3-8 and grade 11 take annual state-mandated assessment tests. What is tested? English language arts (reading and writing) and mathematics. What…
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Revit Architecture students

Revit Architecture students

We learn best when we can create connections between the new information we are learning and information that we already know. Chapter 1 introduces Revit and Building Information Modeling (BIM) through comparisons to AutoCAD and hand drawing. Chapters 2–7 introduce you to each architectural drawing type in Revit with an emphasis on creating drawings for presentations. Understanding how to navigate each of the drawing types in the Revit project keeps you in control of your drawing and allows you to “ask of the computer” rather than let Revit dictate…
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Adelphi current students

Adelphi current students

(GARDEN CITY, NY) The Adelphi University chapter of the Society of Physics (SPS) students continues to set the standard for excellence with its seventh Outstanding Chapter Award for the 2011-2012 academic year. Advised by Associate Professor Sean J. Bentley, the Adelphi Physics Club competed for the honor in the Zone 2 region, which includes colleges and universities in New York, Ontario & Quebec. Officers for the year 2011-2012 included President Justin Dove ’12, Vice President Sajan Shrestha ’13, Treasurer Monika Mohacsi ’14, and Secretary…
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BSU Webmail

BSU Webmail

When working in Ball State s Outlook365 Webmail system you may notice that the Send button disappears. You can solve this problem by following these steps: 1. Login to 2. Click on the small gear icon in the top right next to your name. In the drop down list that appears choose options (as shown below): 3. On the following screen choose Settings in the list displayed on the left side of the screen (as shown below): 4. On the right side of the screen you will see a section labeledReading Pane . Underneath this section you will seeWhen writing…
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Students at NYU

Students at NYU

BBC - “The waters of globalisation are rising around higher education - and the university believes that if it remains Italian-speaking it risks isolation and will be unable to compete as an international institution” Call me a crotchety old preservationist, but this all seems a little sad. And also inevitable. I can’t complain too much, though. Attending the university that most champions international competition - and probably drives most of it with its insatiable satellisation of the world - I’ve totally bought into the whole globalisation of…
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AutoCAD, Student

AutoCAD, Student

I m new here, but I have two problems I can t find answered. I run 64bit Windows 7, on an ASUS laptop. My current problem is that I just uninstalled then reinstalled AutoCAD (because of the problem I ll get to next), and now I can t find the installed program. Additionally, since it thinks I have AutoCAD installed, the installer won t let me reinstall it. I have checked the path and AutoCAD the .exe isn t installed anywhere, they re all just empty or mostly empty folders. I don t know what to do, other than teying to install for a third time. The…
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Students page

Students page

On the Student pages you will find information collected and provided by student members of the AES who have been elected officers of the Student Delegate Assembly (SDA). Find out more about us here. If you are an AES student member, this is the place where you can get informed about student related topics. Also, every student is invited to help keeping these pages a vivid and up to date resource by sending us interesting news and reports from your AES Student Section. The student delegate assembly would like to thank our amazing sponsor Merging…
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Harvard students

Harvard students

I chose Harvard as an Early Action applicant without submitting full applications to any other schools. Looking back now as a happy Harvard student, the drama surrounding my decision seems incredibly silly, but it was one of the most difficult decisions I’ve ever made. Before applying to Harvard I’d done plenty of research on the school academically and knew that, in that regard, it was the right fit for me. A lover of language learning and particularly my high school Spanish classes, I was enamored of the Romance Languages and Literatures department…
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School Portal

School Portal

This tutorial will show you how to make a great looking ‘school portal’, if you set the permissions of the page to share with only your domain, then you have a fully functioning, private, and great looking intranet Jump Page! Portal pages are very handy for navigating your students, parents and staff to important services or resources which your school provide. If you are a Google Apps for Education school this is a snap using Google Sites. In this video I will show you exactly how to build your school portal in less then 15mins. Once you have built…
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